The nib foundation is calling for charities dedicated to the health of younger Australians to apply for one of its 2020 Health Smart Grants.
The foundation has announced six charities will each receive $40,000 in funding for programs designed to equip young Australians with information and skills they need to better understand health risks and adopt healthier lifestyles.
nib foundation executive officer, Amy Tribe, said now is more important than ever to invest in health promotion and prevention.
“We recognise that COVID-19 restrictions are significantly impacting the charity sector and believe it’s crucial to continue our usual funding support for the benefit of community health and the charities who are looking to adapt their new or existing programs to the current climate,” said Ms Tribe.
“The grant program encourages eligible applicants to use existing technology and easily accessible platforms to continue to deliver their health promotion initiatives to help Australians make healthy choices that positively impact their health and wellbeing during COVID-19 and beyond.”
The foundation said the Health Smart Grants program was developed in 2019 in response to the reality many people Australians die prematurely or live for many years with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers and mental illness.
“It is estimated that one third of the total burden of disease in Australia comes from these preventable risks, such as smoking, alcohol, diet, and physical activity,” said Ms Tribe.
“Our grants help tackle this by focusing on building the healthy literacy of young Australians through relevant and engaging programs that help people to access, understand and use health information to empower them to form positive health habits at an early age, and ultimately reducing the risk of chronic illness later in life.”
Successful charities will also be given the chance to double their funding, with the remaining $80,000 in the funding pool to be decided by nib members and the public during the Health Smart Grants People’s Vote.
The grant program will be open for both local and national charities to submit an Expression of Interest from 1 June – 30 June 2020.
The 2020 Health Smart Grant Guidelines and Expression of Interest form are now available online.