Members Health says it welcomes changes to the assessment process for listing medically implanted devices.
Health minister Mark Butler recently announced that the new Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee would replace the Prostheses List Advisory Committee.
The new committee will provide recommendations on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of medical devices and the benefits payable by private health insurers.
“The Health Minister’s announcement is an important step in the right direction for improved governance of medically implanted devices funded by private health insurers”, said Members Health CEO Matthew Koce.
“We are particularly pleased that the new arrangements remove the involvement of stakeholders with direct and indirect pecuniary interests that could conflict with their duties on such a committee.”
He continued, “Members Health has long advocated for a more independent, objective and professional regulatory approval process. The reforms announced by Minister Butler align with these principles and will help restore public confidence.”
Mr Koce said Australians can pay more for medical devices than people in comparable countries.
“Policyholders can be assured that any savings flowing from prostheses reform will be passed on by the 25 Members Health funds, who always put consumers first, not profits," he added.