Health adviser leaves Turnbull staff

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Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull is on the lookout for a new health adviser following Lucinda Barry's appointment as the new CEO of the Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority.

Ms Barry's appointment was announced yesterday by AOTDTA chair and former coalition MP, Dr Mal Washer.

She is very well-known to the private health sector as someone with a long history working in government and, most recently, as a health adviser to prime ministers Tony Abbott and incumbent Malcolm Turnbull.

“Ms Barry has an exceptional understanding of, and exposure to, health care policy and delivery, and of organ and tissue donation and transplantation matters in particular,” said Dr Washer.

The AOTDTA, which was established in 2009, works with states and territories, clinicians and the community sector to deliver government’s national reform program to improve organ and tissue donation and transplantation outcomes.

Government scrapped a proposal to merge the AOTDTA with the National Blood Authority but the organisation has undergone recent governance reforms with the decision to appoint a Board.