Bupa says it activated its Outbreak Management Plan following confirmed cases of COVID-19 at two of its Victorian aged care homes.
The cases, at Bupa aged care homes in the Melbourne suburbs of Edithvale and Sunshine, involved two employees and one contractor.
The contractor's last shift at Edithvale was on 16 July. Bupa said they were not showing symptoms at the beginning of their shift but developed a temperature and left early to get tested.
An employee at Edithvale had not worked at the care home for over a week when they received their positive test on 18 July. They were tested as a close contact of a positive case not connected to the aged care home.
Bupa said it does not believe the two cases in Edithvale are connected.
An employee at the Sunshine aged care home last worked there on 12 July and they did not have any symptoms at the time, said the company.
Bupa said it activated its COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan at both homes and is working closely with Victoria's Department of Health and Human Services to minimise the risk of other potential infections in the homes.
All residents at Bupa Sunshine have returned negative tests, it said, adding it is awaiting some staff test results. All staff and residents at Edithvale underwent COVID-19 testing on Sunday 19 July.
"Communities within each home have been physically isolated from one another as per our Outbreak Management Plan and residents are undergoing clinical observations twice daily.
"Staff are wearing PPE at all times during their shifts, as they have been for several weeks, including gowns when administering close care to residents. All staff are temperature screened on arrival at the home, and deep cleaning of all hard surfaces has been arranged, along with increased frequency of cleaning shifts," added the company.